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Book Reviews

Ettie Explores Earth
Reviewed By Jack Magnus for Readers’ Favorite
"...most highly recommended."

Ettie Explores Earth: An Ettie the Explorer Adventure Story (Volume 1) is a preschool children's book written and illustrated by Lynn Holland. Ettie comes from another planet, Green Cheeze. Ettie is an explorer and has chosen to visit Earth. The reader sees Earth from outer space, as a space visitor would, and visits the various types of environments found on Earth. Ettie has lots of questions for the reader. They're mostly about the different types of animals Ettie encounters. Green Cheeze has many similar animals, except for the snake Ettie sees in the jungle which is just a bit too creepy.

Lynn Holland's educational preschool children's book, Ettie Explores Earth: An Ettie the Explorer Adventure Story (Volume 1) is beautifully written and comes accompanied by Holland's bright and colorful illustrations. I particularly loved the way astronomy is introduced to children in an easy to understand and inspiring way. The description of Earth as a blue marble is something most adults have heard before, but it still has a connotation of magic, no matter how often you hear it, I think. Holland's intrepid space explorer challenges the young reader to interact through questions, and I could almost hear children excitedly shouting out 'dog' or 'cat' as the pictures were presented. Learning the words of Ettie's language is a great exercise in imagination and a marvelous introduction to learning other languages.

Ettie Explores Earth: An Ettie the Explorer Adventure Story (Volume 1) does more than help new readers practice their reading skills; it challenges their imaginations and broadens their world, and it's great fun all the while. Ettie Explores Earth: An Ettie the Explorer Adventure Story (Volume 1) is most highly recommended.

Ettie Explores Earth
Reviewed By Stephen Fisher for Readers’ Favorite
"...a captivating book."

Ettie Explores Earth by Lynn Howland is a wonderfully illustrated children's book about an alien who is visiting Earth for the first time. With the help of his new earthling friends, together they learn facts about our solar system and planet Earth. He tells the children that Earth looks like a big blue marble, because of all the water. The children are asked to help him to better understand the universe around him. He discovers many animals that are similar to animals on the planet he comes from, called Green Cheeze. Ettie asks the children to help him with the names of the animals he describes.


Lynn Holland does an excellent job of engaging young readers in the

adventure. The pictures of the solar system, animals, and Earth are

bright, colorful, and well drawn. She creates unique alien names for the

animals - like the favorite animal on his planet is called a “Daa-r’aa Wee

Z’oo” or dog. “Faa-l’oo Goo-b’aa” is the name they use for a cat. As Ettie

the explorer explores Earth in his flying saucer, the reader experiences

the sense of traveling with him. The phrase, “A picture is worth a

thousand words,” is what makes Ettie Explores Earth such a captivating

book. What it lacks in size is more than made up for with the amount of

information that the reader absorbs. I can actually visualize a teacher

holding the book up to show students the pictures while interacting with them, and discussing each topic. It reminded me of a cross between the animated series of Little Einsteins and Dora the Explorer. The possibilities are endless.

Ettie Explores Earth
Reviewed By Michelle Robertson for Readers’ Favorite
"...delightfully fun..."

How silly would it be for an alien from Green Cheeze to come explore our Earth? Not so silly to Ettie, the alien who wants to know more about Earth, its plants, animals, and people. Can you help Ettie the alien learn more about Earth? Do you think you know about space and our solar system and the animals here? Come test your knowledge and teach Ettie and find out what things Earth and Green Cheeze have in common!


Ettie Explores Earth: An Ettie the Explorer Adventure Story (Volume 1) by Lynn Holland is a delightfully fun children's pictorial and educational book. It introduces young readers to the planet Earth and its living creatures. Children are often fascinated with the idea of aliens, how big our universe and space really are, and facts about our own planet. Lynn Holland has created an interactive, fun and exciting book with bright and colorful illustrations sure to satisfy all young readers' curiosity and attention for the length of the story.


As children are reading or being read to, they can follow along with Ettie the alien, who is the main character of the story, and answer the questions he asks about Earth. This is a great way for parents and children to bond, as well as for students and teachers to have a group study session when discussing the solar system. The author has creatively and skillfully designed this book for young readers to fulfill their imaginative needs as well as test their knowledge of our home planet.

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